
Weighed down

    God is anything but indifferent, fickle, callous, or cruel. He’s not heartless, nor does He look the other way. On the contrary, God is a loving heavenly Father. He cares so much He sent His beloved Son to bear the punishment we deserve. And one day, He will bring justice to our broken world.

Son of the Most High

Jesus’ birth was not just some random act. Long before the world was made, God planned to send His Son. The intricate weaving of history, from God’s prophecy in Genesis 3:15 to the cross itself, are part of God’s wonderful plan. His promise to raise up One whose kingdom would never end – and its fulfillment – offers us hope and confidence that The One who gave this promise will bring to fruition the rest of His wonderful promises both now and forever.

Grapevines and snowflakes

As I snipped here and cut there, I was reminded of God’s work in my life.  Sometimes God has to bend my will according to His purpose. Though most times it isn’t a pleasant process, I realize He has a design and a purpose for my future. I need to yield to His hand, assured that His plans are for good and not for evil and that the finished product will be stunning.

The depth of God’s love

The depth of His love knows no bounds. It reaches all the way down to our broken world in the form of a baby. It stretches into the darkness and silence of the tomb. It mounts up into heaven where He is preparing a place for us. Whether I sink to the lowest depths or mount up to the highest peak, God is and always will be with me. What tremendous comfort this brings me!