
Love is Not Envious

Love… does not envy. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) Envy is not usually intentional. That disparaging predator creeps up on us when we least expect it. It whispers lies and blinds us to the truth. It draws our center of attention on what we lack so we don’t focus on the blessings God has so lovingly …

Don’t Fight These Arms

Mercifully, God’s grace is greater than our own rebellion. Patiently, He quells our stubborn, defiant nature and urges us to stop resisting. When we finally stop striving against Him and rest in His love then we realize His embrace is actually the safest place you and I could ever be.

God’s Mighty Arm

His power is the same today as it was in the past. His arm is still as mighty as it was in the days of Moses. If God has promised to care for us (and He has), then we can rest assured He will act on our behalf. What really matters is not our own strength, assets, and abilities, but His. So put away the calculator – He’s got this.

Eagle’s Wings

I would love to soar like a hawk or an eagle, unfettered by the pull of this world. Yet I can’t soar if I’m clutching a load that is too heavy for me. Soaring can only happen when I leave that burdensome carcass at the foot of the cross. I have to be rid of in order to receive; new strength for the road ahead, the ability to rise above the world’s troubles, to run without growing weary, to walk with unflagging energy.

Blessed Are the Meek

Are you tired of the daily grind of diapers, meals, cleaning, and carpools? Do you wish you could trade your current situation for a far ‘better’ life? God knows what you’re doing and He will reward you accordingly. As God’s heir, your name’s on the deed. One day, you will inherit the earth.