
Eagle’s Wings

I would love to soar like a hawk or an eagle, unfettered by the pull of this world. Yet I can’t soar if I’m clutching a load that is too heavy for me. Soaring can only happen when I leave that burdensome carcass at the foot of the cross. I have to be rid of in order to receive; new strength for the road ahead, the ability to rise above the world’s troubles, to run without growing weary, to walk with unflagging energy.

Blessed Are the Meek

Are you tired of the daily grind of diapers, meals, cleaning, and carpools? Do you wish you could trade your current situation for a far ‘better’ life? God knows what you’re doing and He will reward you accordingly. As God’s heir, your name’s on the deed. One day, you will inherit the earth.


I am so thankful Christ’s acceptance is not conditional. His sacrificial love is based not on my merit but on His mercy. He does not consider my flaws and blemishes. He does not look at me with contempt despite the ugliness of my sins. On the contrary, He lavishes loving acceptance on me, imperfections and all.

God’s Good Purposes

This is a game-changer for those of us who are in Christ; our trials, big and small, are evidence that God is working in us and through us. Though our definition of good may exclude pain and suffering, God’s definition of good includes every detail of our lives that He uses to strengthen our spiritual character and highlight His sovereign power.

A Broken Heart

Spiritual hope hangs on amid trials, resting in God’s promise that one day the purpose of all of our joys and struggles will be revealed and we will experience that ultimate “aha!” moment. God will take each tear, each ache, and each sorrow, and weave it into a masterpiece.