Truth is, we are all on the same level. We have all failed at some point or another. Yet though we fail, we try again. Though we fall, we rise again. Because He is the God of the do-overs. Every morning, He offers us a fresh start (see John 21). He loves us unconditionally, and nothing can ever change that.
Category Archives: Devotion
You are important to the body and we will not function properly without you. The body needs you.
Guarding the Gates
Too many parents have become lax about controlling what they allow into the center of their homes. This begs the question: Who is protecting our children’s influenceable minds? Who speaks the loudest into our family’s minds and hearts?
The Battle is not yours
How often I need to be reminded that God is on my side and He is in control! I know it, theoretically, yet somehow, when my back is up against a wall, I find myself wondering if God really cares about my personal struggles, my tears, and my stress-filled days.
Perspective Changes Everything
Truth is, God fashions each vessel with intentionality and purpose. In the scope of eternity, what does it matter whether I am a short, unremarkable vessel rather than a tall, beautiful, slender vase? What truly matters is whether I am used by God.
Defeating the Joy Sappers
My friends, don’t let the joy sappers win. Identify them, confront them, and ask God to help you defeat them. Don’t just knock them down, slay them once and for all (1 Samuel 17:51).
Barbie Doll’s Last Name
Guest Post by Author Jan Kent “However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” I Peter 4:16 Who would have thought it, that the Barbie doll has a last name! Apparently, Barbie herself recently tweeted out the big revelation. She and her two sisters …
Good Intentions or God’s Intent?
God suggests a different way to approach each day, inviting us to set aside our pride and self-sufficiency in exchange for complete dependence upon Him. He wants to be in on every aspect of our day, from the instant we rise to the moment we fall asleep. God’s way involves a surrender of our own self-rule so He can act in us, through us, and for us.
When life overwhelms us, it’s important to be honest about our thoughts and feelings. Following Christ doesn’t mean we don’t have ‘cave moments.’ But we don’t let those ‘cave moments’ win. They may refine us but they won’t define us.
My Little Quiet PlaceÂ
I am convinced that God truly cares about the small things in our lives.