The first desires that come to some people’s minds are fame and wealth, but we know they are temporal and hold no value in the heavenly economy. I treasure Jesus’ peace and infinite joy that only He can bestow.
Category Archives: Devotion
It’s All in How You Look at it
Perspective; it’s the difference between what our eyes perceive and what God sees from an eternal viewpoint. We see the bad news; the wages of sin is death. Yet from God’s view, there is a wonderful promise that wipes the bad news clean off the slate; the gift of God is eternal life.
Fix the Leak
Worry and trust are much the same: they don’t mix well. We can’t trust God and give in to worry at the same time.
Entrusted to Him
I tend to fret when my sons are away from home. Having a special-needs child exacerbates those concerns. Yet, I am slowly learning that I can’t love, protect, and provide for my sons as well as their heavenly Father can. My love is limited. His love is eternal, unfailing, and unconditional. My resources may come to an end, but God’s will never run out. My ability to protect is inadequate, but God never takes His eye off them. He watches over them everywhere they go, every second of every day. There is not one moment they are not held in God’s loving hand. So, instead of being a parent who paces, I’ve chosen to be a parent who prays.
We tend to get so caught up in our struggles that we forget to praise God for who He is and what He’s done. He’s saved us, adopted us, loved us, redeemed us. He provides for our needs, guides us, spares us over and over again from evil, and holds us in His loving arms. As if that weren’t enough, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. That’s a whole lot of good gifts!
Faith or Fear
Fear and faith are as opposite as earth and water. Where one advances, the other must recede. Faith versus fear is a deliberate choice each one of us must make in the face of trials. I’m not saying it’s easy to stand up to a giant and claim victory with just a slingshot and a pebble. Yet God honors our response when we step out in faith and trust Him with the outcome.
Love is not Proud
Love is not proud because true love isn’t motivated by selfish ambition. I can love each of my sons for who they are as individuals rather than what they accomplish. I love, not because they make me look good or because they boost my self-esteem. I love because the love God has poured into my soul is the love I lavish on my sons; pure, unconditional. To love not because they are worthy but because they are God’s special blessing. To love them with all their assets and foibles because Calvary’s love set the benchmark.
The Power of Words
Oh, the power of words! They can build us up or tear us down. They can heal the heart or crush the spirit. That little diddly “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is so untrue. Words hold such power they can push individuals over the brink. They are often the tool Satan uses to destroy marriages, relationships, even souls.
What Am I Sowing?
I pray that the opportunities to do good will not have to knock me over to get my attention but, that I will be on the watch for them; that I will be eagerly listening and looking for a chance to do good. It won’t eradicate sin, but it will make a difference in the kingdom of God.
When faced with a crossroads, God urges us to pause and assess our situation. What is our destination? Are we in agreement concerning our family’s goals? Do we share the same objectives or are we headed in two different directions? Ask God to lead and guide in the way that is pleasing to Him. Keep Him in the heart of each decision you make, and He will guide you, opening doors and closing others. Keep your focus on Him and He will direct you along the path that is right for you.