
When God is Silent

It’s a natural tendency to mistake God’s silence for inactivity. When we pray and fail to hear an answer, we are tempted to believe God doesn’t care, that He’s wandered off, or He doesn’t care. Nothing could be further from the truth. God works some of His most powerful deeds in the wake of His ‘silence.’

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is an exercise of the heart and mind. It’s living with our eyes wide open to God’s many blessings. Every dawn is a gift from God, every breath, every heartbeat. But we’ve become so inured to God’s blessings that we take them for granted and shrug them off as our due. God doesn’t owe us anything, yet He has given us everything; salvation through Jesus Christ, redemption, forgiveness, mercy, grace. As if that were not enough, He pours out blessing upon blessing every day.

God’s Powerful Hand

Miracles are the blessings that bring us to our knees in heartfelt admission of God’s sovereign touch in our lives. The same God who worked in mighty ways for His chosen people is the same God today. His might and power have not diminished over time. His love and mercy remain unchanged. God sustains those He loves – because that’s the kind of God we serve.

Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Hope understands there is so much more to life than the physical eye can perceive. Christian hope bridges the gap between what we don’t understand – our current situation – and what we know about God; His goodness, His kindness, and His love. His intent is not to hurt us but to give us a future that is far better than our limited human perception. While our hopes and dreams resemble stick figures, He’s working on a Mona Lisa.

What’s that smell?

As we spend quality time with God, through prayer and reading Scripture, we take on a Christ-like fragrance. He should so permeate our lives that those who know us can’t remain indifferent. Some will be drawn to our faith and want to know more, others will be turned off.

Personally, I don’t like to think I’ll be offensive to anyone. Yet God says we must not remain neutral, trying to please everyone we meet. If we are pleasant to some, we will stink to others. There is no middle ground.


Heaven’s greatest loss was our greatest gain. His death is our salvation. Through His sacrifice, we are cleansed from sin. What appeared to be the worst possible outcome, turned out to be the most powerful victory. Tears turned to joy; sorrow transformed into rejoicing. Not just a temporary, shallow kind of joy but one that is eternal and so deep-rooted that nothing and no one can take it away.