Praise is much more than a feeling or an activity. Praise is a lifestyle.
Category Archives: Devotion
We have the power to speak life, to tell people who they are in Christ and what God says about them.
Different is Okay
God creates within each person unique traits and character. The work of the Master’s hands is diverse but never less than perfect. His design is never flawed.
When you’re feeling low, sing a thankful song, then list all the blessings God has given you.
The Power of a Godly Mother
Dear mothers, never underestimate the influence you have over your children’s future. Teach God’s words diligently to your children (Deuteronomy 6:7). Speak His promises over them. Place His Word as a gate over your home (Deuteronomy 6:9).
Just Say the Word
I fear that we sometimes forget we serve a holy God. Yet this holy, righteous God bestows grace upon grace. He does not do it because we are good or do good works, not because we have rank or power, not because we merit any good thing from His merciful hand. He does it out of pure love.
“The Kookaburra Bird”
Guest Post by Author Jan Kent “She is clothed with strength and dignity: she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25 I only knew about this bird from the children’s song growing up. So I was curious to see this Australian bird at the zoo. She was a lot bigger than I imagined …
Do you want to serve God but wonder if you have what it takes? The only ‘condition’ is a heart that is willing to say, “Here I am! Send me.”
A Case of the Grumbles
We grumble because life doesn’t match our expectations. When we grumble, we’re essentially saying, ‘God I don’t like what you’re doing in my life. I don’t like my current circumstances and don’t see a change coming anytime soon.’
My Treasure Garden
The first desires that come to some people’s minds are fame and wealth, but we know they are temporal and hold no value in the heavenly economy. I treasure Jesus’ peace and infinite joy that only He can bestow.