In Psalm 144, David begins with an attitude of gratitude for all God has done. David understood happiness. He understood that family, growth, work, and prosperity created happy people, but also recognized that the source of these gifts and special favor are from the Lord.
Category Archives: Devotion
Planting Seeds
God has called me to sow, not to save. My responsibility is to remain faithful in the sowing and watering – period. The saving is up to Him.
Zip your Lips!
Only speak
what you think God will be pleased by. “Not one word” if the words are hurtful or critical in a mean or nonproductive way. No telling little white lies or blatant untruths, no exaggerations, and no snide comments, which often stem from jealousy.
Expectations can be dangerous if they aren’t fulfilled; we can wind up disillusioned or broken-hearted. When disappointment festers and chafes at the mind and heart, it can eventually turn into grief or even anger at God; because we’ve unwittingly placed expectations on God Himself.
Take It To The Lord in Prayer
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6 Throughout life, we will encounter situations that stretch our faith. Hudson Taylor experienced one …
God has given us a marvelous gift called ‘time.’ The wonderful thing about this gift is that we can give it back to Him as a firstfruit. By spending the best parts of our day—mostly those first moments before we hit the floor running—in quiet communion with Him, we open the door to receiving God’s wisdom and guidance in our day’s work.
God is on our Side
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? If we know Jesus as our Savior, we can rest assured the LORD is on our side. He is fighting our battles. The odds may be stacked against us, humanly speaking, yet we are victors because, from heaven’s viewpoint, the scales lean in God’s favor. It’s not until we fully grasp this truth that we can stop striving and allow God to be God.
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
when I seek God’s kingdom above my own, His Spirit fills me with peace. Focusing on what pleases God frees me to thrive within the sphere of His calling upon my life.
Just Shine
Guest Post by C.A. Simonson “You are the light of the world, so let your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”(Matthew 5:14-16) “The language is so offensive, and everything feels so dark. I don’t know what to do,” Diana said. “Just shine,” her …
Single-mindedness versus Christ-mindedness
What Jesus offered the disciples was far more than freedom from their oppressors; He offered them His Spirit and power.