Interrupt me, Lord,
When conceit compromises my character,
When ambition supersedes integrity,
And my kingdom matters more than yours.
Category Archives: Devotion
We need to stop trying to ‘fix’ our kids, our spouses, and our friends and learn to love and accept them as they are. To be honest, you and I aren’t perfect either. Yet, despite our limitations and imperfections, God loves us unconditionally.
Wait Expectantly
Begin each day in God’s presence, surrendering to him your anxious thoughts and needs, so you can be filled with His incomparable peace. Put Him first, then wait expectantly, knowing He is handling every detail of this new day.
I Will Not Be Shaken!
When David wrote Psalm 62, he was under attack. His options were limited and his future uncertain. Yet in the midst of his struggles, David affirmed, “He (God) alone is my rock and salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” This declaration was more than just wishful thinking. It was the testimony of a man who had witnessed God’s faithfulness, experienced His might, known His loving care, and found Him trustworthy.
Independence Day
When in our independence we choose our own way rather than His, we risk following a path of destruction, even when it looks oh so right (Prov. 14:12). The Lord never intended man to be independent from Him.
God allows ‘irritants’ to enter our lives so that we might grow, develop perseverance, and mature in our faith. He could prevent them, shield us from harm, and heal every disease. But God is more focused on the eternal than the here and now. Our difficulties are evidence that God is refining us. He loves us too much to leave us as we are.
Help Wanted
Truth is, we were not created to fight life’s battles on our own. It is not biblical to assume that we need to face our struggles on our own. Self-sufficiency robs others of the opportunity to pray, minister, and show Christ’s love. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or incompetence. Was Joshua any less of a warrior when he needed Moses’ help? Was Moses any less of a leader because he needed Aaron and Hur? No. Likewise, we should never think any less of ourselves for asking others to help in our time of need.
Don’t Run Away
It is tempting, when we are hurting, to want to retreat from the world around us and lick our wounds. Sadly, those who are closest to us have the greatest ability to hurt us. In your desert—your place of pain—resist the urge to run away. Run to God instead. Give Him your hurt, your pain, your disappointment.
God is Faithful
God is trying to impress upon us that His love far outlasts His wrath. His mercy is so much greater than our sin. This gives me great confidence and assurance that God honors my faith, pouring His blessings not just on me but also on my children and their children.
Oh Happiness, where are you?
In Psalm 144, David begins with an attitude of gratitude for all God has done. David understood happiness. He understood that family, growth, work, and prosperity created happy people, but also recognized that the source of these gifts and special favor are from the Lord.