
Easter’s Eve

We can’t fathom the depths of sorrow the disciples and Jesus’ loved ones experienced when Jesus died on that cross because, unlike us, they didn’t know the end of the story. They didn’t grasp how bright their future would become because all they could see and focus on was their loss. They didn’t grasp the gift of grace Christ had so painfully purchased for their salvation. They had no inkling of the joy and insight Easter morning would bring.

Good Friday

As believers in Christ, we cling to the hope of the resurrection. Death no longer has the final word. Christ does. Death is merely a marker for the end of our temporal life here below and the start of our eternal life in heaven. Death has lost its bitter sting because Christ’s sacrifice on the cross swallowed death and brought eternal victory. One day, we will be reunited with Christ and our loved ones. Therein lies the hope that carries us through those darkest moments.