How do we avoid forgetting? We make it a point to remember. We keep choosing God.
Category Archives: Devotion
Though . . .
I am not a victim of circumstances. In Him, I am a victor despite my circumstances. My joy lies not in what the day contains but in the One who contains my days.
What if more individuals practiced small gifts of kindness? Would that catch on? Hate and violence often have a ripple effect. Why not kindness?
The Beloved
You are not just another face in the crowd; you are His Beloved. Know it. Believe it. Claim it. Live it.
A Matter of Inheritance
“But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave no inheritance; the Lord God of Israel is their inheritance, just as he said to them.” Joshua 13:33 (ESV) When Joshua was dividing the land among the tribes of Israel, he did not give the Levites a physical inheritance. Because they were set apart and consecrated for …
In God’s Sight
The good news in all of this is that when we falter, He is there to catch us. When we sin, we have an advocate in heaven, Jesus Christ. Don’t conceal your sin – confess it. Don’t hide your fear – run to God. Don’t suppress your worries or cares – cast them on Him.
The Importance of Gratitude
God keeps reinforcing the importance of gratitude—the exact opposite of complaining. He reveals himself to me, sometimes in the strangest ways, knowing complaining is not an easy habit to overcome.
The Good in the Bad
That’s the thing about God; oftentimes, He places mountains in our path to teach us grit, endurance, and determination. not because He’s picking on us but because He’s preparing us for His purpose—a purpose that far exceeds our greatest aspiration.
Yet Will I Rejoice
Habakkuk discovered he needed much more than mere optimism. Instead, he recalled God’s promises. He knew that though his circumstances were beyond his control, they were not beyond God’s. Though his plans should fail and his world be shaken to the core, Habakkuk could still find reason to rejoice in the Lord; because his trust in God was unshakeable.