If you and I are being honest with ourselves, we will admit there are times when we are prone to look at the next guy and compare our lives, our ministry, even our God-given gifts.
Category Archives: Devotion
Live Loved
Claim that love. Walk in His love. Hold your head high and remember the price He paid to make you His Beloved. Then pour it out upon those God brings into your life. Because love is a gift that is meant to be cherished and shared.
Therefore, we will not fear
fear supposes God won’t get it right. Fear allows us to believe the enemy is more powerful than our God. And nothing could be further from the truth. For the power that is in us – Christ – is more powerful than any powers around us.
Peace and joy are not dependent on my circumstances but on the promises of God.
On Worship
What God values is the attitude within our hearts and minds. To love God above all things – our self included – is the kind of worship He desires.
Whosoever rises up against us faces poor odds because we’ve already won through Christ’s work on the cross. Whatever stands in our way will have to cede because you and I are more than conquerors.
When we fully realize how much mercy God has extended towards us – mercy that we never deserved yet He freely gave – how can we not extend mercy to others? Forgiveness is not natural – it is only within the scope of God’s forgiveness and mercy that we are able to forgive at all and extend mercy towards others.
Help My Unbelief
That element of doubt trips us up time and again – If you can. Even though we know in our minds that He can, that He is more powerful than any problem we face, that little nagging voice continues to whisper in our ear, “Ah, but will He?”
What struck me as I read this passage again is the word “satisfied.” They ate and were satisfied. No one went home hungry, no one was sent away with bellies half-full, and everyone had enough to eat to feel satisfied.
Kingdom Minded
God’s Kingdom is about service, and service is about personal sacrifice. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45.