
Beautiful Feet

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7 (ESV)

Now that summer is here, I’ve been more conscientious about caring for my feet. I mean, who wants to see bunions, dry skin, and long toenails, right? But what if I took better care of my feet year-round? Not just for the sake of others but for the sake of my own health. According to the internet, foot hygiene can lead to a number of issues, including pain, discomfort, and restricted mobility.

This leads me to consider my spiritual feet. Am I taking care that they are healthy? Are they spiritually clean in the sight of God? Are they strong and ready to spread the Gospel of grace? My spiritual feet are not meant to be idle. They were created to move, to spread the gospel to those around me that Jesus saves. The world desperately needs to hear about Jesus and His gift of salvation.

How beautiful are the feet . . . Let me ask you a personal question: how are your feet? Are you looking after them? Are they clean? Are they strong and healthy? Are they beautiful in God’s sight? Are they idle or active? Are they taking you to people and places that further the Kingdom of God? If not, perhaps it’s time for some spiritual foot care.

Prayer: Lord, may my feet be beautiful in your sight. May they be the bearers of the good news that is found in Jesus Christ. Guide my feet so that they may bring good news of happiness to those who need to hear about eternal salvation. May my feet never be idle in your service. Amen.

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