
Be Still

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

This past year has been very tough for our whole family. We’ve experienced one difficulty after another. This morning, as I lay in bed, reflecting on our current situation, I asked the Lord to open my eyes as to His purpose for these struggles. In that moment, one of my favorite passages came to mind. Nestled between verses that speak of God’s mighty power–“He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth, He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields with fire…”–and His sovereignty–“I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth”–lies the answer when life gets messy; “Be still and know that I am God.”

Be still–like a nursing child who is sated and basks in his mother’s loving embrace. I’ve been so busy “doing” that I’ve neglected simply “being.” Being content in my Father’s love. Being silent before the Almighty God. Being still in His embrace. Listening to His voice, heeding His words, waiting for His perfect timing.

It’s hard to be still, especially when each day sucks me into the daily hamster wheel called “life.” I find that busyness often spills into my prayer life; I rush through this precious time of communion with the Almighty God as though I can check it off my to-do list and move on to the next item. But God bids me come before Him, hands empty, soul bared, to simply worship Him and immerse my entire being in His love. To put aside the words that clutter my mind and hinder me from hearing His voice. To simply ‘be’ rather than ask or do. Because I am His child and I need to be filled with Him before I can do what He’s appointed me to do.

So for today, I will simply relish being God’s child, God’s beloved, God’s precious treasure. I will strive to be still and let Him be God.

Thought: “The nations begin with the people as individuals, so we can be certain that He will be exalted in our personal circumstances – if only we will be still and know that He is God.” – Dr. David Jeremiah

For further reading:

  • Psalm 37:7
  • Psalm 131:2
  • Isaiah 32:17
  • Zechariah 2:13

Excerpt from A Year in God’s Classroom


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