
Be Not Discouraged

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.” Hebrews 12:4 (NKJV)

I love a nice bubble bath at the end of a stressful day. But my bathtub leaks—at least the plug does. After a few minutes in the warm, sudsy water, the bubbles that nudged my chin gradually drop to my shoulders. Should I choose to linger, I’ll find myself sitting in a cold, empty tub.

Discouragement is much like a leaky tub; hopes, aspirations, and optimism slowly spiral down the drain, leaving us cold and vulnerable. It’s a gradual process that often goes unnoticed until we’re left with only the suds of our dreams. When we lose sight of the end, when weariness kicks in and pulls us down, it leaves the door open for discouragement to move in, along with his brother, fear.

I looked up the word ‘discouraged’ in the concordance. In the Old Testament, the command, “Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged,” is repeated over and over. In the New Testament, Paul urged believers to “not lose heart.” He knew the human spirit is prone to discouragement.

We grow discouraged when we lose sight of the goal or fail to see any end to our struggles. We are tempted to give up and let discouragement usurp our hope. I know because I’ve encountered periods when I couldn’t see any hope in sight, days when I felt like I was running with the bulls, struggling just to stay ahead of those flaring nostrils and terrifying horns.

The writer of Hebrews provides us with a remedy for discouragement. Look at chapter 12, verse 2; “Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.” He is our cheerleader, the One who endured hostility and pain for our sake, the One who says, “Consider the price I paid for your salvation. Let that inspire you to finish the race. Don’t stop now, there’s a victor’s prize waiting for you just up ahead.”

Stay in the race, my friend. The finish line is right around the bend.

Thought: “If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest!” – Corrie Ten Boom

Excerpt from my devotional, A Year in God’s Classroom


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