
Be a Doer

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22 (ESV)

The book of James delves into the controversial discussion about faith and works. He doesn’t mince words when he states, “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (2:17). So is he saying that we are saved by faith plus works? Far be it from that! If our works play a part in our salvation then why did Christ die for us? Why did He exclaim, “It is finished?” when He hung on the cross if there is more to add to His sacrifice? If our eternal salvation depends, in part, on our works then how could we ever know we’ve done enough?

What James is saying here is that our works are an indicator of our faith in Jesus-Christ. If I tell my husband that I love him yet fail to express my love in a thousand little ways, then my words are just a vapor in the wind. I love the way Paul Tripp breaks this down: “The way you live is a better indicator of what you truly believe than whatever religious words you might say. Faith is a radical change of heart that leads to a decisive difference in the way you live your life. If you really do believe in the God of the Bible . . . if you believe in the moral call of his commands, then every area of your life will reflect this faith.”

Faith – true, biblical faith – is not inactive but active. It is not invisible but visible. It is not unproductive but productive. Like a light, it cannot remain hidden but spills over and onto those whose lives we touch with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Lord, today I want to be a doer of your word and not just a hearer. Show me areas of my life where I can be shed your light. Guide to me to those who need a word of encouragement, a gentle touch, or a helping hand. May all of the grace, love, and joy you pour into me bubble over and onto those you’ve placed in my path. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Thought: For Paul, works follow faith as day follows night, and their source is the indwelling Holy Spirit working in the depths of our hearts. Good works are the inevitable fruit and visible evidence of a living faith in Jesus Christ and are the hallmark of all true believers – C.S. Lewis

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