
Mighty God

Christmas is the visible manifestation of God’s unconditional love. The Creator comes to dwell among the created; Love Himself, willing to suffer rejection for the sake of our souls. Might confined to a manger. Creator curtailed to the form of a child. The paradox of grace as the Almighty indwells the womb He created and walks the earth He brought into being.

Immanuel – God with us

Immanuel – God’s answer to the lonely, the outcast, the shunned, the rejected, the ostracized. Immanuel – God’s promise that we will never be alone. Immanuel – God before us, behind us, beside us, within us – it doesn’t get any more personal than that.


Guest Post by Jan Kent “Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and  compassionate and righteous.” Psalm 112:4 I love seeing the red and green of the poinsettia at Christmas time!  This native flower to Mexico is referred to as, “Flower of the Good Night.”  The reason for this …