
When God is Silent

It’s a natural tendency to mistake God’s silence for inactivity. When we pray and fail to hear an answer, we are tempted to believe God doesn’t care, that He’s wandered off, or He doesn’t care. Nothing could be further from the truth. God works some of His most powerful deeds in the wake of His ‘silence.’

Plugging into Positivity

            Within each person dwells a hunger for positive feedback and approval. We crave those little tidbits that spur us on; a pat on the back, a kind word, an honest compliment, a ‘like’ on our social media posts – and for good reason. From the moment we wake up till we crawl into bed, …

TIPS FOR WRITERS; Words to Cut From Your Manuscript

Fairly That Just Then Very Pretty (as an intensifier) Totally Quick Gave/give It It was/It is Felt Absolutely Literally Act to Actively Probably Actually Any As to Basically Carefully Certainly Completely Considerably Consistently Constructively Of course Currently Decidedly Definitely Did (as an intensifier) Do (as an intensifier) Words that end in ‘ly’ Begin/began/begun Quite Words …