

Heaven’s greatest loss was our greatest gain. His death is our salvation. Through His sacrifice, we are cleansed from sin. What appeared to be the worst possible outcome, turned out to be the most powerful victory. Tears turned to joy; sorrow transformed into rejoicing. Not just a temporary, shallow kind of joy but one that is eternal and so deep-rooted that nothing and no one can take it away.

I Don’t Measure Up

You and I have a similar problem; we don’t measure up to God’s standards. The Bible tells us God is a holy God and He cannot look upon our sin. Therein lays the rub. No human being, other than Jesus, is without sin. When we measure our sinful nature against God’s holiness we fall short. But the Gospel doesn’t leave us without hope. On the contrary, God gave His only beloved Son as a sin offering. He took our sin, our faults, our shame, upon Himself so we might be cleansed from all sin. When God looks at us, He sees us through the filter of the cross; no longer stained by sin, but white as snow.


God’s peace is not a temporary peace that needs replacing when it runs out, but a continual and indestructible outpouring of God’s bountiful gifts. His peace is bestowed in proportion to our needs. In turn, this peace circles back, influencing how we think and feel. It turns off the worrisome thoughts and channels them towards God’s faithfulness and love.

Good Enough Faith

While it is correct that our faith and God’s grace are enough for our salvation, that good enough faith is often a weak faith. When the storms of life blow and the waves threaten to submerge us, we need more than good enough faith—we need a strong, deep-rooted faith that will help us stand firm and endure the storm.

God is Listening

The God who created us also loves us. He longs, He yearns for us to come into His presence, to pull up a chair and chat awhile, to divulge what’s on our hearts and minds, to share our most intimate thoughts. He is our Abba, our heavenly Father, who says, “I’m never too busy, too preoccupied, too tired, to listen to you, my dear child. Come, let’s talk awhile.”

A Quiet Soul

God is fully trustworthy. He won’t ever let us down. His promises are one hundred percent dependable. He invites us to cast those worries and anxious thoughts on Him. In exchange, He will impart His peace, the kind of peace that asserts, “I have stilled and quieted my soul” – my heavenly Abba is taking care of this.