
First Fruits

God has given us a marvelous gift called ‘time.’ The wonderful thing about this gift is that we can gift it back to Him as a firstfruit. By spending those best parts of our day – mostly those first moments before we hit the floor running – in quiet communion with Him, we open the door to receive God’s wisdom and guidance in our day’s work.

Just a Simple Greeting Card

Guest Post by Author Lauri Lemke Thompson Betty’s mother, Kathleen, had been confined to a nursing home for several months. One day, while her family was visiting her, Kathleen suffered a stroke. Shortly thereafter, a woman from the facility appeared at the door of her room and announced, “Mail Call,” bringing in a greeting card. …

Our Father Already Knows

“Before he had finished speaking, behold Rebekah . . . came out with her water jar on her shoulder.” – Genesis 24:15 Rebekah’s appearance was divinely timed. Her arrival and response to Isaac’s servant’s request were not coincidences but a testament to the meticulous care and divine hand of God. This passage serves as a …