
Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord – three words that hold the power to revolutionize our lives. They can transform the course of our day, alter the way we think and act, and change our whole perspective on life. When we praise the Lord our gaze is torn away from ourselves, our circumstances, our burdens, lifting our focus from the here and now to the One who holds our future, our days, our moments.

On Prayer

Does God hear us when we cry out to Him? Always! Does he answer? As soon as we pray. Sometimes He answers before we even voice our thoughts. Just because we can’t see His mighty hand at work doesn’t mean He isn’t intervening on our behalf. His ultimate purpose is not necessarily to give us what we ask but what we need: strength for each day and boldness to handle life’s pressures.


Discipleship is more than just listening and following; discipleship is about fostering a teachable mind and spirit. It’s not just studying His Word but living it. Discipleship is a call to obedience, regardless of the lesson and the cost. Only then will we know the truth about God, the truth about ourselves, and the truth about life itself.