Guest post by Author Cassie Downs All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose Romans 8:28 (CSB) I was young and in love. My heart was set on Mark for what seemed like forever to a tween girl. I thought for sure this was …
Author Archives: Renee Srch
May I Help You?
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Yesterday, I went grocery shopping while Len was in therapy. I typically wait till Len or one of our boys can accompany me. Their six-foot stature sure helps when I need something on the top shelf. Alas, I …
Those Rotting Bones
Let’s face it; there are seeds of jealousy in all of us. The devil wants us to believe we’re entitled to this and that, and little by little, we start feeding into his falsehoods. If we cultivate those seeds, we set ourselves up to reap its bitter fruit.
One of the greatest truths in Scripture is that God uses men and women who are imperfect: doubting Thomas, impulsive Peter, skeptical Nathaniel, and crooked Matthew. This gives me great hope that God can use me despite my shortcomings. Like an athlete training for the Olympics, each day He points out areas of my life that need to be improved – not to minimize my progress or make me feel like a failure, but to hone my character to be more Christlike. In Christ, I am being perfected day by day.
Hope Deferred
Hope factors God into the equation. Hope believes and clings to the truth that God can do anything far more than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Guest Post by Author Jan Kent “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our …
Interrupt me, Lord
Interrupt me, Lord,
When conceit compromises my character,
When ambition supersedes integrity,
And my kingdom matters more than yours.
We need to stop trying to ‘fix’ our kids, our spouses, and our friends and learn to love and accept them as they are. To be honest, you and I aren’t perfect either. Yet, despite our limitations and imperfections, God loves us unconditionally.
Wait Expectantly
Begin each day in God’s presence, surrendering to him your anxious thoughts and needs, so you can be filled with His incomparable peace. Put Him first, then wait expectantly, knowing He is handling every detail of this new day.
I Will Not Be Shaken!
When David wrote Psalm 62, he was under attack. His options were limited and his future uncertain. Yet in the midst of his struggles, David affirmed, “He (God) alone is my rock and salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” This declaration was more than just wishful thinking. It was the testimony of a man who had witnessed God’s faithfulness, experienced His might, known His loving care, and found Him trustworthy.