The thing is, God never promised we wouldn’t have to cope with deep waters – what He’s promised is that when we pass through those deep waters, He will walk alongside us. When we pass through the rivers, He will control their force so that they will not overwhelm us.
Author Archives: Renee Srch
Confessions of a Wanderer
The thing is, God loves us too much to let us stray from His calling upon our lives. At times, he has to correct us in order to redirect our vision to align with His, which sometimes requires some hard and painful lessons.
You Are Loved
You are not the sum of your weaknesses, failures, or inadequacies – you are the sum of God’s love.
A Panda-Sized Meal
Guest Post by Author Jan Kent “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 Who does not enjoy watching these cute cuddly-looking pandas! They can look especially adorable when romping around playing. But more likely, they are seen doing what they spend the majority of their …
Everyone is Included
Everyone includes me. It includes you. His gift of grace includes the individual who can’t even voice the name of Jesus yet loves Him, nonetheless
Pour It Out
This is a wonderful promise to those of us who teach and sow God’s word; as we pour into others, He pours into us.
The Other Side
God’s purpose for your life is not the ocean floor but stronger faith and a victory so remarkable that when your storm draws its last breath, your heart cries out in reverence, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? He is the One who will see me safely to the other shore.”
May We Never Forget
How do we avoid forgetting? We make it a point to remember. We keep choosing God.
Though . . .
I am not a victim of circumstances. In Him, I am a victor despite my circumstances. My joy lies not in what the day contains but in the One who contains my days.
What if more individuals practiced small gifts of kindness? Would that catch on? Hate and violence often have a ripple effect. Why not kindness?