The good news in all of this is that when we falter, He is there to catch us. When we sin, we have an advocate in heaven, Jesus Christ. Don’t conceal your sin – confess it. Don’t hide your fear – run to God. Don’t suppress your worries or cares – cast them on Him.
Author Archives: Renee Srch
The Importance of Gratitude
God keeps reinforcing the importance of gratitude—the exact opposite of complaining. He reveals himself to me, sometimes in the strangest ways, knowing complaining is not an easy habit to overcome.
The Good in the Bad
That’s the thing about God; oftentimes, He places mountains in our path to teach us grit, endurance, and determination. not because He’s picking on us but because He’s preparing us for His purpose—a purpose that far exceeds our greatest aspiration.
Guest Post by Author Lauri Lemke Thompson “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV) I had decided to read through Isaiah. One day this well-known Scripture gempopped out at me.Perfect peace – what an astounding promise.Six days passed. I had become …
Yet Will I Rejoice
Habakkuk discovered he needed much more than mere optimism. Instead, he recalled God’s promises. He knew that though his circumstances were beyond his control, they were not beyond God’s. Though his plans should fail and his world be shaken to the core, Habakkuk could still find reason to rejoice in the Lord; because his trust in God was unshakeable.
Is There a God?
God did not call us to judge people or clean them up before bringing them to Jesus. He calls us to love people – just as they are – and pray them into Christ’s Kingdom. If Jesus was comfortable meeting with people just as they were, you and I have ample reason to do the same.
Words of Life
You’ve heard it said, “Not just a hearer, but a doer be.” When God provided His word to the Israelites, He urged them to take them to heart – to heed them and obey them – for they were “your very life.” Their future depended fully on their observation of God’s commandments.
Faithful Obedience
God calls us to trust and obey. Though far from glamorous, our role is not necessarily to wield a sword but to trudge around those daunting walls day after day in faithful obedience.
The God of Grace
God’s kingdom isn’t about fairness. It’s about God’s goodness. It’s about more than economic justice – it’s about grace. And the grace God bestows on us depends not on our merit or worthiness but on His love for us.
Fortunately, God’s gifts will never be recalled or revoked. He doesn’t bless us one day, then snatch it back the next. He doesn’t say, “Oops! I did a poor job on that. Send it back.”