
August 2024 Author Spotlight

#1 Bestselling Author, E. G. Kardos

E. G. Kardos’ inspiration comes from the beauty that surrounds us all—both in nature and in each other. “I invite you to do the same—enjoy where you are, what you see and feel, and above all, appreciate who you’re with and the moment you’re in. That’s when we uncover our true being.”

AMAZON #1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Literature & Fiction – January 2022

“Thrown off guard—Emotions raw—No regrets!”

Eli’s life is in limbo. He’s searching for a sense of peace but can’t seem to find it. That all changes when he returns many years later to the place where he first met Aiden. The two are polar opposites, but despite their differences, a strong friendship blossoms. A friendship that neither had ever experienced before.

Caught off guard, their relationship deepens but like a gut punch, a promise that Aiden made to himself changes everything. Eli is left to pick up the pieces.

In Cutting of Harp Strings, author E. G. Kardos artfully weaves together a story of friendship, living in the moment, and love. It’s a story of self-discovery and will take readers on an emotional rollercoaster of joy, heartbreak, and ultimately, utter bliss that is sure to stay with readers long after they turn the last page. With its engaging characters and evocative and visual plot, Cutting of Harp Strings is an unforgettable coming-of-age tale that will leave readers reflecting on the beauty of true friendship and the power of love.

“An emotionally moving saga.” —Midwest Book Review

“Cutting of Harp Strings is a poignant reminder of the true meaning of friendship and how the search for ourselves is never-ending.” —Charles Tabb, author of Floating Twigs

His books, Elias and The Legend of Sirok, The Amulet: Journey to Sirok (Book 1 in the Elias Chronicles), The Rings: Journey Beneath Sirok (Book 2 in the Elias Chronicles), and The Elixir: Journey On (Book 3 in the Elias Chronicles), are available on Amazon.

To read more about E. G. Kardos and his #1 bestseller, go to https://www.boomermagazine.com/from-cutting-of-harp-strings-a-novel/

or check out his website at https://www.edwardgkardos.com

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