
All my days

 “God, You knew my unformed substance. All my days that You have ordained for me were written in Your book before I was ever born.” Psalm 139:16

Today, my husband turns 74. Throughout his years, Len has witnessed God’s hand upon his life over and over again. Three times, he had to be resuscitated: the first time because he fell 36 feet from a tree, the second time because of organ failure, and the third time because his body was riddled with infection. Each time, his testimony was, “God isn’t done with me yet.” Len fully believes he is here on purpose and for a purpose; God’s kingdom.

Len and I have no idea when God will call him home (not before me, I hope!). But we are certain of one thing; he is immortal until the time God has already ordained for him. God’s sovereign love and his intimate knowledge of His beloved assures us that each day is under His care.

The following chorus I learned in my childhood is one I often find myself singing throughout the day. I’ve written the lyrics in the margin of my Bible as a reminder that whatever we do, wherever we go, we are held in His loving hands.

All through the day

All through the night

Dwell in His promises

Walk in His light

Darkness shall flee

At His command

All through the day and night

We′re in His hand

Lyrics of All Through the Day by The Maranatha! Singers

Prayer: Lord, we thank you that there is no moment, not even a second, when we are not held in your loving hands. Today, I choose to live in peace, dwelling in the knowledge that I am your Beloved and your loving care will cover me until the moment you have already ordained for me to enter into your presence. Amen.

Thought: We are in good hands when we are in God’s hands – Grace Fox, Proverbs 31 Ministries

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