
A Twist in the Road

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.

I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

There are defining moments in each person’s life, times when the road we travel takes a sudden turn. Some curves are so slight we barely notice them, others slow us down or cause us to hold on tight. Some twists in the road bring joy; meeting our soulmate, falling in love, the birth of a baby, graduation. Others cause pain; a critical diagnosis, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or bankruptcy. Each turn shakes up our life in some way or another and influences it for better or worse.

            Over the years, my husband and I have encountered many twists in the road. Some pleasant, others not so much. We’ve given life to three beautiful sons. We’ve moved from Illinois to the beautiful and peaceful Ozarks. We’ve laid beloved family members to rest. We’ve struggled with sickness and financial difficulties.

            But nothing prepared us for the twist in the road called autism. We knew something was special about our little boy, but we certainly weren’t expecting Autism Spectrum Disorder. A diagnosis that raised many questions. It was as though we’d completely veered off course and we had to reconsider our entire journey; our route, our destination, and every crossroad along the way.

Yet this twist in the road has brought us to places we’d never have seen otherwise. We’ve journeyed through the valley of peace, discovered the fount of strength, marveled at mountains that moved before our eyes, and found comfort in dark places. Though this journey is nothing like the one we’d originally planned, we wouldn’t have it any other way for He has blessed us with three beautiful sons, gifts from His loving hand. We’ve learned to value the journey He planned uniquely for us because God is guiding us every step of the way.

Takeaway: “What appears to be the end of the road may simply be a bend in the road.” – Robert H. Schuller

For further reading:

  • Psalm 37:23
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Isaiah 30:21
  • Isaiah 55:8-9

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