
A Tale of Two Kingdoms

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

There are two kingdoms that vie for our attention; our own kingdom and God’s kingdom. Our kingdom is brittle, temporary, and constructed of all our wants and needs. God’s kingdom, on the other hand, is solid and eternal, where God reigns as king.

When we pour all our efforts into building our kingdom, we run the risk of being consumed with fear and worry. Because, in order for our kingdom to thrive, we must rely on our plans, our hard work, our strength, our resources, and our limited understanding.

On the flip side, when we seek God’s kingdom above our own, His Spirit offers peace. Focusing on what pleases God frees us to thrive within the sphere of His calling upon our lives. Our lives—no longer our kingdom because Christ reigns over it—are encompassed in His kingdom (illustration #2).

You and I were not created to be kings. We were created to be sons and daughters of the Most High King. Once, we were like homeless waifs whose sole focus was to find food and shelter. Once we were adopted into His family, we were blessed with everything we need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3). We need no longer concern ourselves with what we will eat and how we will be clothed because the God who adopted us has brought us into His kingdom. Does a prince worry about what he will eat or what he will wear? Then why should we?

Find rest in the peace and joy of His Kingship over your life. And all these things, big and small, will be given to you as well.

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