
A Squirrel and His Nut

Guest Post by Author Jan Kent

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will consider Your works and meditate on all Your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12

I am not the only one who forgets where I have put things!  The University of Richmond did a study and found that squirrels fail to recover up to 74% of the nuts they bury!  Even so, they do have a strategy.  They do what’s called, “spatial chunking” sorting their nuts by size, type and taste and then burying them in groups.  Even more surprising are the grey squirrels who frequently dig up and then rebury the same nut, a behavior perhaps to refresh their memories!

Today’s verse comes from a psalm of Asaph, King David’s music director.  In his depression he is wondering if God is going to keep His promises.  He wonders if God’s love for him has vanished (verse 8).  He doubts and wonders but then he answers his own questions with these two verses.  He resolves to remember all of what the Lord has done in the past for him and his people.  He replaces his troubling thoughts with memories of God’s miracles and mighty deeds.

I have seen the Lord do so many miracles in my life!  He has provided and proved Himself faithful.  But those memories are so often buried.  I easily forget when I am struggling with a new difficulty.  I need to go back and dig it up to refresh my memory of His faithfulness!  Thoughts of His “mighty deeds” in the past restore my confidence and trust in Him!  Not only my memories do this but the testimony of others do too!  He has done it in the past and He will do it again!

Thank you Lord, for Your incredible faithfulness.

Meet Jan Kent, a missionary in France for the last 30 years, alongside her husband, Randy. Jan grew up in a Christian family and is a Biola graduate. After marrying Randy, God called them to France as church planters.

Jan has created women’s ministries in 3 French churches and is an international conference and retreat speaker.  In addition, her devotional blog (DevotionsByJan.com) is read worldwide. She recently published a book, Picture the Scripture, available on Amazon (https://a.co/d/hGmFRdl). Her passion is God’s Word and communicating it through writing, teaching, music and even ventriloquism!

Jan is a mother of three and a Nana to four adorable grandchildren!

You can contact Jan at:


FaceBook Page: Jan Kent Speaker Writer

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